
Service Offerings

Kids' Potential seeks to accomplish the following:

  • Conduct comprehensive psycho-educational assessments to identify learning barriers and learning styles;
  • Empower the parent/caregiver with the tools they need to support the student and navigate the "system" to access the best possible existing services for which they are eligible;
  • Coordinate treatment with the student's teacher and caregiver; and
  • Provide direct service to the student to significantly improve their academic performance and behavior.

Individual Client Services

Neuropsychological Evaluation:

Provide a student with comprehensive assessment in the areas of social-emotional, interpersonal, and academic development, utilizing state-of-the-art neuropsychological assessment tools.

Based on assessment results, strategies used in a student's treatment might include educational and psychological therapy as follows:

Educational Therapy:

  • Phonemic Awareness and Reading: To help expand phonics' knowledge, facilitate accurate word reading, and spelling.
  • Reading Comprehension: Utilize research-based active reading techniques to enhance reading comprehension.
  • Reading Fluency: To help establish greater reading speed and expression, skills which are fundamental to effective reading comprehension.
  • Writing: Develop understanding and use of effective writing skills and strategies, as well as provide instruction in grade level specific writing standards and genres, including language mechanics, grammar, and editing skills.
  • Math: Emphasis on calculation fluency, conceptualization, and problem solving.

Psychological Therapy

  • Social Skills Training: Custom-tailored Social Skills Training in the areas of Initiation of Language, Listening with the Eyes and Brain, Abstract and Inferential Language/ Communication, Understanding Perspective, Gestalt Processing/Getting the Big Picture, and Humor and Human Relatedness.
  • Executive Function Skills Training: Structured intervention to develop life skills and self care protocols (e.g. daily, weekly and monthly development of schedules, telling of time, personal hygiene, meal preparation and shopping, taking care of medical needs on own, applying for jobs, reading directions on forms, etc.)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Structured and goal-directed treatment to provide effective strategies for a wide range of mood, anxiety, and behavioral disorders.
  • Individual and Family Therapy: Therapy provided by licensed clinicians aimed to address specific issues being faced by a student; engaging family members as indicated.

Parent/Caregiver Consultation and Training

Kids' Potential is committed to helping parents & caregivers develop positive, collaborative partnerships with local school teams by facilitating clear communication of goals and objectives for student support services, and by assisting the parents/caregivers in the coordination of a Differentiated Learning Approach with the student's teacher (alternative approach to standard way teacher is working within the classroom as a whole).  Trainings are designed to help community members better understand mental health disease and/or learning disabilities and empower parents/caregivers with the tools necessary to improve academic, social, and emotional success.

Kids' Potential can provide a parents/caregivers with the following assistance:

  • Assess what existing Special Education Services a student might need through a school district;
  • Mentor parents/caregivers in navigating the educational “system” to advocate for and ensure that the student receives appropriate services from their local public schools;
  • Parent/Caregiver education in Special Education State mandates, policies and procedures, and the IEP process;
  • Interpreting and understanding school testing results;
  • Mentoring parents/caregivers to advocate for their students;
  • Clarifying assessment information to improve parents/caregivers' understanding of their student's needs; and
  • Assisting parents/caregivers in translating their concerns into achievable outcomes for their student's learning.

Parents/Caregivers training covers the following topics:

  • Executive Function Disorder;
  • Autism;
  • ADHD;
  • Anxiety;
  • Positive and active parenting;
  • Behavior management at home and in collaboration with the school;
  • Transitioning to 1st Grade, 4th Grade, Middle School, and High School;
  • Drug and alcohol awareness: What all parents/caregivers need to know;
  • Parents and caregivers' role in promoting self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • Preparing students for self-reliance; and
  • Providing parents/caregivers' with a road map for supporting their student's learning.

Teacher Training

As one of its primary goals, Kids' Potential also provides teachers and administration with training to help identify struggling students. Kid's Potential seeks to train teachers about prevalent mental health disorders and learning disabilities that teachers encounter in both special education and general education settings.  Topics include:

  • Incorporating evidence-based interventions into instructional practices;
  • Improving classroom management and systems to best support all students; and
  • Other training in areas identified by the school staff as necessary and critical (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Executive Function Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, etc.).

Partner with Schools

Kids' Potential also strives to partner with schools committed to the early identification and treatment of those students who struggle in school with learning/social-emotional issues. When partnering with a school, we first collaborate with the administration to establish common goals for enhancing existing programs and services. Kids' Potential services delivered onsite at a partner school might include the following:

  • Teacher Training
  • Parents/Caregivers Training
  • Coordination of Support Services
  • On-Site School Counseling Services/ Crisis Intervention Program
  • Small Group Targeted Intervention
  • After-School Intervention Programs